(noun) anything in the kitchen that your not quite sure what it's name is until you find out/ those giant plastic spork looking things.
will you please hand me that turkey turner
by Xupack007 June 23, 2013
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when Alex sings, you know that feeling.. YOU WILL

"Can't wait to be Alex Turnered once again"
by iamalexturnered February 27, 2022
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When you are trying to be productive and Alan fucking turner force feeds you booze wrecking any motivation to complete the task at hand.
I was trying to mow the grass but I got fucking turnered.

Sorry babe, that dirty cunt Alan Fucking turnered me and now I’m white girl wasted.
by Boomcrew42 April 30, 2022
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A Turner Hayes or a Cole Young is a generally frowned upon trope in TV or Movie Media in the Modern Age, where in which when adapting an already popular franchise with plenty of characters in it, the studios feel the need to create a completely one note, milquetoast character to be the protagonist and never show up in anything else. The term originates from the character Turner Hayes from the CW Show "Gotham Knights" and the character Cole Young from the 2021 Movie Adaptation of Mortal Kombat.
"I'm sick of all of these "Turner Hayes/Cole Youngs" in shit, just use characters people already know" - A salty redditor.
by LiterallyCthulhu June 17, 2022
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