Women who love women you know lesbians who are unshaven
Bobby didn't know his wife was a Tarantula bumper until he caught her with his best friends wife ..
by NunYuhBiz November 22, 2016
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Logic that, if heard or read, will make sense briefly. But will not hold up under any amount of scrutiny. Bumper sticker logic will pass the smell test, but fails to hold up under deeper inspection.
“Believe all women” that is a great statement, but am I supposed to believe Ghislaine Maxwell, nah man, that is just bumper sticker logic
by niquil July 31, 2022
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The bumper that cushions the strawberry jelly and chocolate pudding factory from any who may try to enter.
Damn, my humper bumper is sore after last nights boning
by CarbonBlight October 12, 2020
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Chevy Owner: Dude, spice up your Tesla with a Mars bumper sticker
Tesla Owner: Nah man, I like to have a bare bumper. Besides, I already have a "certified clean idle" sticker on it
by Licensed_Nerd December 16, 2019
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so day-man, did you take the lady to play a little tea cups and bumper cars this weekend?
by nagode September 15, 2009
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