Ejaculate, come, male climax
Act of projecting semen out of the body through one's cock
Did you drop a spread sheet?

Yeah! All over her face and she licked it.
by tickl1sh May 29, 2014
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A guy with facial hair is having morning sex with his woman and she has an 80's bush, after he finishes he then goes down on her until his face and her bush glistens with both his and her juices.
My beard is so soft today, must have been that mossy dew drop. But boy is has some stank.
by 911Mongo June 8, 2019
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When a russian kid in csgo asks you to drop your awp
by NATE HIGGERS CSOFFER.ME October 7, 2017
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When a black man with a fat juicy ass busts it down usually with little to no clothes on. Usually performed by thugs or other menacing figures in hood-like areas.
Person 1: "Hey I hear that you're a real thug, you wanna do the chocolate drop for me? I'll pay."
Thug: "I don't do that faggot ass shit, fuck outta here."
Person 1: "Woah now I have $500 buddy, this can be all yours if you do the chocolate drop with that thug ass."
Thug: "Ok fine."
by 2009 opp thug shaker January 2, 2022
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"Damn! I wasn't just tappin that! I was dropping anchor!" - Charles "Levi" Levi (TKK)
by katiehh February 22, 2016
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When a girl poops while riding on top during sex
The sex was great until I realized she was dropping anchor.
by Supergoosh September 26, 2021
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