weight you put on while at a job. eventually the weight is lost after being fired or quitting.
Person 1:how’s the job going?
Person 2: oh ya i actually got fired 3 weeks ago...
Person 1: oh no! the good news is that you’ve already lost tons of work weight
Person 2: Uhhh thanks?
by bros_before_hoos January 2, 2020
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a task or process that is undeniably easy or can be easily done.
"How hard was the math homework bro?"
"Na bro, that shit was cheese weight!"
by Motocross Rider 3 June 1, 2019
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The goto weight that you tell everyone you are but are totally lying about it.
Bobbie Joe tells everyone her vanity weight is like sixty pounds less than what she really is.
by Jinde Kush July 12, 2015
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Fatso weight ; is over 100kg
Your approaching the 100k club, fatso weight, would you like a big Mac with extra cheese or a pizza?
by Bryn Benn May 11, 2020
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A fat girl that marries someone from another country for the sole purpose of him getting his citizenship papers.
"Aisha got married to a guy from Canada so he can get his citizenship papers, she's such a paper-weight."
by alpinegh December 8, 2015
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Noun: A useful person that isn't helpful enough.
Oh thank you Uimet for triggering the boss. We appreciate your bunny ears but that doesn't make you deserving of fucking up and being immune to criticism, you fucking paper weight.
by Endo-Chan February 18, 2020
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When there's something you learned a long time ago, but can't remember how to do it because you haven't done it for so long. It's like a muscle you haven't been exercising or flexing so you must have put on Brain Weight.
I can't believe I forgot how to to do long division - I must be putting on brain-weight!
by beatmastabill May 30, 2020
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