When a Cow is Milked and the milk just dangles.Similar to poo dangle. See Poo dangle
Wow that cow has a lot of udder poo dangle!!
by SarahLynnBrown33333 October 14, 2008
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The awkward squirming motion a girl must perform in bed in order
to make him sleep on the wet patch.
I was so into it last night I didn't even notice her dangle fanny maneuver set us to my side before the big finale.
by Greubar June 15, 2017
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When a dude dangles his cock expectantly (at face-level), waiting for it to be wanked. The penis is usually imagined to be swinging and flopping around simultaneously. Synonymous to: wangle.
by tallz July 14, 2012
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What you periodically hafta do with your handset's curly-cord to get da knots outta it --- when it gets snarled up enough, simply tugging on it just doesn't do da trick anymore... ya gotta actually unplug da cord at both ends, carefully unravel da kinks, and then suspend da cord from one end so that it can hang freely to allow it to "naturally" untwist and "equalize" itself.
Adding a swivel-adapter to your handset-cord can indeed sometimes help to reduce its getting all wrapped up around itself and save your having to perform da untangle-dangle so often, but da problem with these doodads is dat dey tend to not have very good swivel-contacts, and so you soon get a lot of static and intermittent sound. Plus da cheaper units tend to not swivel very easily, and so you gotta keep spraying them wif WD-40 to keep them twisting around freely.
by QuacksO January 3, 2019
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Donquavion Dangle is a low sophistacated being and the uncle of Quandale Dingle. Donquavion Dangle although living a great life is unfortunately dying of AIDS from chocking his chicken to asain girls on Xvideos for 12 hours straight. Donquavion has only 2 weeks to live as of 7-31-22 and will hopefully recover with the help of intense loli hentai.
Stranger 1: Yo, did you hear about Donquavion Dangle

Stranger 2: Yeah its got me sad
by I have hard August 1, 2022
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Grabbing a hold of another guys cock and shoving it in your mouth
Blake is a dangle wrangler
by preacher69 November 4, 2014
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