The sexiest bloody ham known to man kind. He can get girls just by flicking a ham sandwich at people. There is a legend that when the Big Bang happened, vinny was there with the God of hams. His the most ham-a-licious person you will ever meet. A Vinh Tri is never alone as he always has a servant called Myah by his side at all times to feed him ham. When you meet a Vinh Tri you must purchase a leg of ham and donate it to him to show your gratitude to Him.
Woah look at the vinh Tri over there we must pray to him
by Little vinsta sandwich November 15, 2016
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The moment in time when triple digits appear on a clock.
Holly frequently sees more, and more tri-mings through out the day. Every time she looked up wondering what time it was, the clock read: 111, 222, 333, 444, or 555.
by Cloud Sniper February 19, 2014
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Showering/pooping while drinking a beer and simultaneously bopping the bishop "masturbating".
Tom was short on time so he decided to go tri-tasking.
by Porno-corndog9 April 16, 2010
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Thunking with 3 or more people, basically the dirtiest orgy imaginable.
Chick 1: "Fuck I'm so sore"
Chick 2: "Yeah, that tri-thunktum was nuts! I didn't think it was possible."
Chick 1: "I know! Did you see that guy's *****? How did it get there?"
by fukmi June 14, 2010
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Candidacy for the third term of a political office or other position.
Tri-election (re-re-election) refers to the third term.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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A sexual position that works out triceps. The man puts his legs up on a low table or a chair while his hands are also on the edge of a different chair. The girl squats over his crotch while he does chair dips simultaneously banging the woman.
Dude, my arms are so sore from doing the upstate tri-thrust with my girlfriend last night.
by VannTheMann March 14, 2011
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