What your friend calls chicken wire he uses to protect his plants from cats.
I gotta protect my plants from these cats bro. I need some cat wire.
by BPCG4L January 7, 2018
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An indication that drugs can be scored in a given location
The origins of this(before ii went all mainstream)
Was that if you saw a pair of tied together tennis shoes thrown over a telephone wire it meant drugs could be scored nearby
Those in y know would know where
Ted:"we go quail hunting tonight? Ned: "nuff". Ted:"shooz on a wire?" Ned:"I know a trap house".
by 4realazitgits March 19, 2021
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A person who is either dedicated to do something or a person who doesn't let go of a grudge.
-"Dude, why are you so f#ckng hard wired?“
by Pertturbator January 29, 2020
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To finish something close to it's deadline
Bryant was cutting the wire on his final project, he wasn't sure he was going to finish in time.
by aaronstone59847 April 20, 2018
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When a ginger person reveals their love box and its springing out rusty fuse wire
by Corporal Vinnie August 25, 2017
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it is a pencil made of wire
hey Tate sauce the wire pencil i need to write with my wire pencil
by sosyyyyy September 10, 2019
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