Pooping a fierce amount of fire within the buttcheeks, and vigorously wiping away the tragedy, then await for the nightmare to end.
I had the worst hot chamber after eating that bean burrito.
by Alpha Dragon5656 November 24, 2013
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A person who when is in need of attention will tell you he loves you and you will feed him your heart and once he is full, he will turn around in the same sentence and tell you to fuck off.

And don't get me wrong I still love him.
And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that
He was the only one for me

We both knew it, right away

And as the years went on, things got more difficult
We were faced with more challenges

I begged him to stay
Try to remember what we had at the beginning
He was charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it
When he walked in every woman's head turned, everyone stood up
To talk to him
He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself

I always got the sense that he became torn
Between being a good person and
Missing out on all of the opportunities
That life could offer a man as magnificent as him

And in that way I understood him
And I loved him
I loved him, I loved him, I loved him
And I still love him
I love him
Ashton Chambers likes the words flawless rocket bomb
by Power ranger July 23, 2018
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A small chamber similar to an interrogation room where someone is placed only to have someone come in just to respect them.
My uncle was put in a respect chamber once. Now he's gay.
by thottiusMOUSE April 16, 2018
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When a bong is full of smoke before you pull the stem out
"Yo pull the stem out hes got a FULL CHAMBER
by Bong man juan December 24, 2014
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The action during intercourse when without stopping, the male's penis bounces off the side of the female's vaginal wall bending and making an audible POP sound. (POP/SNAP sound)
"I was balls deep when my foot slipped and chambered-a-round iner."
"I pulled out too far and Chambered-a-round again."
by FranticOstrich October 13, 2020
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ABSOLUTE freshman lover. will slay that freshman pussy in bed. Freshman are his main priority, Benet chambers will add the D to desperate.
Benet chambers fucked a freshman
by pu$$yslayer365 May 26, 2022
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A darker room designed for necrophillia, it is called purple chamber for the ultraviolet lights in the room, with a drug vendor by the entrance for a more pleasant experience
"Your grandmother died? I'm so sorry, at least you'll get to see her in the purple chamber before the funeral."

"I miss my daughter, it's been 4 months already, I should take her corps to the purple chamber tonight"
by Dr. Knee grow January 28, 2022
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