When the women is on the bed, legs open for delivery, and the male is on the furthest wall from the woman, the man will proceed to get into a "superman pose" with his head down and his hand in a fist. The man will now proceed to get a running start (at super human speed) and jump fist first into the female's WAP ( wet ass pussy). The deeper the better!
Did you hear Becky had to go to the hospital after David attempted the Flying Superman Fist of Pleasure
by 1001010000001 June 17, 2021
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1. To put a bitch in her place.

2. A sexual act, involving little to no clothes and a number of different women.

3. A damn good dance move.
Yo did ya'll hear what i did last night? I superman dat hoe so bad she couldnt walk straight.
by La'Mar August 27, 2007
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The best comic book movie of 2016, directed by the brilliant Zack Snyder
"BvS was bad, but Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition was a masterpiece"
by Dr. Doom23 November 18, 2020
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When a man goes to fuck a girl in the ass, but puts his cock only half-way in, then throws up all over his cock and the girls ass, and continues fucking her.
Person 1: "Dude, I did a half-assed superman with my girl last night!"

Person 2: "Ew! That's fucking sick!"
by Mew Novocaine November 3, 2010
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