someone who doesn’t like m&m cookies.
he doesn’t like m&m cookies therefore he is a literal syncopath
by harry b styles May 25, 2021
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When you feel like your soul is casting away during the middle of a double maths session or fucking spanish sessions. Sometime when you have a light boner for no reason and you start massaging it with nothing on your mind.
Bro my My soul is literal fucking Castaway, I'm gonna KMS cus this spanish lesson is SHIT
by DeadInside69ahahaha June 28, 2024
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A duck thats 13 year old that hates France and is high on Colombian crack cocaine at 1 am - 6 am
Also can’t stop thinking about the spinning rat and uses a therapy by saying “Cry about it”
I’m not sure if I’m high or if this actually treated my depression
Hey dude this duck that’s The Literal Definition Of Therapy cured my crippling depression

(True story)
by Sussy_Ducky July 26, 2022
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Remi Hefner AKA Chanel Hefner
Remi Hefner is considered a Literal Legend by many across the world. She has donated millions of money to charity and regularly volunteers in a village in Guatemala
by Kunty Kouture June 3, 2023
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In reference to the thing you are upset about me doing and, latter, the thing you are doing.
Hym "Technically I didn't, but literally you are. I technically didn't do the thing you're pissed about but you are literally doing the thing I am pissed about. Therefore, only one of us has an excuse to be pissed-off right now... So here...🖕 There's a finger for you... It's a good one too! It's the 'action finger' as I like to call it..."
by Hym Iam April 28, 2023
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When you cum so much inside another person that they blow up like a balloon and eventually explode.
Person 1: how is Sally?
Person 2: not alive.
Person 1: WHAT? HOW?
Person 2: Literally an explosion
by MYFUCKINGMESS December 23, 2020
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