When someone makes a defaming comment on a person and then the person responds by tweeting his say, it is called tweet revenge. Though the word "tweet revenge" has a strong resemblance to "sweet revenge", it is just the opposite of it.
Mr. Shashi must make a tweet revenge on Mr. Lalit's disturbing remarks.
by Jarjunk April 14, 2010
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An instance in which an individual who tweets on a regular basis thinks of an inspiring and authentic tweet; however in the process of going to tweet this inspiring thought, the individual forgets what he/she was going to tweet
Today, I logged onto Twitter then had a tweeting tragedy.
He thought of something incredible to tweet, then had a tweeting tragedy.
I saw someone else's tweet then had a tweeting tragedy.
by DanDoellion August 14, 2011
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The art of mysteriously and secretively tweeting multiple times whilst being fully engaged in a two-way conversation.
Bob: Bro, we've literally been talking this entire time and you don't even have your phone near you. How did you manage to tweet 15 times in the last 3 minutes?!

Mox: Two words my friend: Ninja-Tweeting.
by maxamillianimus January 15, 2012
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A tweet (message posted on the website Twitter) technique that is used to bump your own content inconspicuously. It is performed by replying to your own tweet with a new tweet, the contents of which can be anything at all. The audience usually does not notice the technique being employed no matter how stupid the new tweet is (even if it is simply the name "Kramer"), only the contents of the original tweet.

Started by the user @kokosac, who tweeted Seinfeld artwork to little reaction, but replied to himself with "Kramer", causing the art to explode in popularity on its second go.

omeone wants to criticize a person with the username @JohnDoe on Twitter but without that person seeing the tweet in their Twitter timeline. Instead of tweeting "I think @JohnDoe is an idiot" they would subtweet "I think JohnDoe is an idiot" or "I think John Doe is an idiot". In each case the @ symbol is missing so the tweet would not appear in @JohnDoe 's Twitter timeline.
"I tried a Kramer Tweet with a poop emoji and suddenly everyone started retweeting my band's music — it was the darndest thing!"
by GenoRPG June 2, 2016
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When you live in the basement at your parents house and troll extra hard to make yourself feel better about life. Everyone who trolls extra hard is assumed to be basement tweeting
You see all those troll comments? Basement tweeting alive and well.
by Crack pipe, snort stick June 9, 2017
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