A word used across Bergen county started by a goat.
Amy is a mook.
by Bilo48 April 6, 2021
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a homosexual person or a person that acts in a homosexual manor.
Yo brad have you seen mark lately? He's been acting really mook.
by Tnolz July 24, 2021
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weed and tobacco in one bowl that gives you a huge headrush
"take this fat mook" "hell no I don't want to seize" "come on, it's not that bad and it's even American spirit..."
by booty shark September 15, 2016
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Yo Javier, Mark is the biggest mook I ever met.
by jjbenitas December 27, 2018
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Common phrase among highschoolers in Portland, Oregon, it is used to refer to a mix of weed and tobacco, as well as the act of smoking it. Ratios can differ from preference to preference, but the most commonly used ratio is 80/20 weed to tobacco. When you pack a mook for someone else and give them a higher ratio of tobacco than they are normally used to, this can be referred to as "mook rape". This is because they will get incredibly domed when they didnt expect to, and/or will be painfully harsh for them to smoke. This can also lead to a minor nicotine overdose, referred to as getting "nic sick". In high school, mooking is especially popular among girls, and dudes who can only pull by smoking girls out often call them "mook thots". Some people like to dump tobacco and ground weed into large containers to have ready-to-smoke mook because they've found the perfect ratio for them, and hand-mixing mook everytime you pack a bowl can lead to inconsistent ratios. Blunts are NOT considered mook and smoking a blunt roach in a piece is also not mooking. Furthermore, while spliffs CAN be considered mook, smoking a spliff is not considered mooking. Another way people can mook is hitting a dabpen and a nicotine vape at the same time, this is called a "cyber mook".
• You wanna take a mook? Whats your ratio?
• I have a jar of mook on the top shelf, help yourself.

• I don't mook anymore, I've switched to juuls and huffing butane.
• I've heard that mooking is really bad for you, its like smoking a whole cig.
by TheLeftinator October 2, 2023
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A band formed by prestigious actor Paul Dano.
Person 1:Do you know Paul Danos band?
Person 2: Yeah, Mook right?
by The Cooler Walkman August 10, 2023
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A male person who acts suspicious around other males, usually slapping their asses or making gay comments to his friends or peers
John: "Hey whats up babyboy."
James: "What? Dude, you're so mook for that."
by polyphiloprogenitive December 5, 2022
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