Term used when Persian Women bail on a Dutch first date.
went to the bathroom and 10 minutes later texts me to "meet her outside" shes nowhere in sight. Another victim of the Persian Dash.
by Cyclaptor August 14, 2021
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When you gently tickle your partners tante with sand on your figures during sex this causes your partner to become excited.
Person 1"what did you do with your boyfriend last night"
Person 2"We had sex and for foreplay he gave me a Persian tickle"
by BridgeTheGap62 July 3, 2014
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Not only is it a smoothie from persia, but it is aslo known as when two people with male genitalia go to a grave yard and dig up a 90 grandmother named Betsy. They will then each stick there left testicles in her vagina and there rights in her asshole. They will then proceed to batter her with baseball bats in the stomach, allowing fluids to come out of her privates and butthole. I personally have tried it and would definitely recommend, the 80 dollar testicuzi is nothing compared to this practice.

Persian smoothie
by Grenadinepeen July 12, 2020
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A term used to define a non Persian man who desires the life of a greased up sex jigalo, although in reality he is your average middle aged white man
Look over there that dudes a total Persian pump , poor dude is never getting laid
by Catmilkmillionaire May 17, 2021
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Fluffy white cat with smushed face and a large dong. Likes to lay on the ground with belly up and legs spread out.
Damn, Felix is one fine silver chinchilla Persian.
by OriginalLexicographer October 27, 2022
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When performing oral sex, your partner squirts into your eyes, causing a burning pain, like pepper spray
Jessica persian pepper sprayed me last night! My eyes still burn!!
by SlipperyD November 16, 2017
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cleaning up another square metre of my worm infested persian rug
having completed an overall 51 m2 so far, its starting to look really really nice. can see the beautiful patterns and colours, handicraft, unicum, a favourite.
we've been wanting to sit with you on our persian rug for so long
I know it used to look untended
but i mean to handle with care
by Krkič November 28, 2019
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