Another name for the lint trap on your dryer
Your grandmother stayed the weekend, your turn to empty the pube catcher
by Cookie#3 January 29, 2016
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A white girl that hangs with people not of her race
look at that colour catcher hanging with a group of black chicks
by blkzla February 15, 2016
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Con-men, tricksters or thieves looking for someone to peel.
"Watch out for Old Nick the Stick, that cony-catcher is looking for rubes like you to con out of their drawers."
by Zed Numar July 25, 2021
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An item one wears on the chin to catch all the bullshit spilling from his/her’s mouth.
“Better strap on that Dribble Catcher coz the shits dribbling down your chin again pal”
by Upyermamspoopshoot January 3, 2021
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A slutty chick or guy that loves to swallow just after meeting a guy.
What an oyster catcher, Annie is. She just took that dude into the bathroom.
by Ninclouse2000 October 3, 2019
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A promiscuous lady or guy of the night willing to suck down every last oyster.
Annie is a a real oyster catcher, she got every last drop.
by Ninclouse2000 October 3, 2019
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