A versatile word with many modern uses, the three most acceptable being:

1) Verb, transitive: to score a goal in spectacular fashion in the popular Konami video game, Winning 11.

2) Verb, intransitive: to dominate in Winning 11

3) verb, intransitive: to drink so much liquor as to black out of consciousness.
1) Did you see that goal? What a zorching.

2) Undefeated today. I'm just zorching all over the place.

3) Oh man, after drinking all of that Natural Ice, he's zorched beyond repair.
by #1 Zorcher April 24, 2009
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A gangly, poor-postured female that walks with an outwardly thrusted pelvis and emits nervous laughter. Possesses little or no social graces and is often prone to urinary tract infections.
"Did you hear that laugh? Put your phone away or the zorch will get you in trouble with the boss."

"You shouldn't drink that much man, you almost went home with that zorch."
by SSMKTslang November 2, 2013
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a term that was used by people way back when
that is so zorch Mr. P. that turkey
by humalala February 21, 2008
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An imaganary organ that rests on the outside of your stomache, they are very tasty and re-grow everytime you have a dream. also zorches that heven't been eaten in a few years become stale and nasty.

note: do not eat a cat zorch, they are poison if you happen to ingest one then belch it up before you die.
Rubin ate my zorch before I could cover it up!
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Typically meaning "butt" or "bottom"

Can also mean to fail an exam or test
Hey! Get your zorch out of my way!"

or "Wow! I really zorched that test!"
by Mr. Edwin Perry February 18, 2005
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In the cool dead of night whisped the unmistakable cry of a flatulent penis emitting a zorch.
by Phlutsac August 9, 2012
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Technically it means someone who sucks farts out of dead seagulls but it is used to refer to a loser who works at the concession stand on the beach during the summer.
She would never go out with him he's a zorch. She is just flirting with him to get free french fries.
by Are May 29, 2005
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