The act of joyful wooting when something is accomplished

Being in a constant state of woot and happiness
1.Wootness! I finally found the legendary -1 stage in Super Mario Bros.

2. He's been in wootness mode for an hour now, think we should tell him I slept with his sister yet?
by Jacob Ritz May 15, 2006
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Am exclamation of sheer joy and excitement tha comes with recognition of doing, or knowing something that is out of the ordinary.
Joe: I didn't think many people knew of People Under the Stairs, but I guess you do.

by Jo-Wi September 6, 2006
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meaning hooray, yes!, woot, yay ect.

can also be lengthened to"

or my favourite
"guess what, Green Day are coming to melbourne"

me: WOOTNESS!!!!
by all_sysyems_down July 26, 2008
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A word originating from the old D&D games, was used to express excitement when finding treasure, the player would say "Wow loot!" thus over time turning into "w00t" in the videogame world, as a form of satisfaction or victory..
"Wow loot!" -- Originating from D&D days..
by John Doe September 13, 2004
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A leet speak form of saying huzzah or hurray.

It originated from back in the days of MUD games, after killing an opponent loot was a rare find, so if someone found loot they would say "wow loot!". This evolved into "woot" for short which further evolved to simply be a general exclamation of excitement.
Bob: I just killed a monster! wow loot!


Bob: I just killed a monster! woot!


Bob: Something good just happened! w00t!
by Yelgath January 29, 2008
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In 1990 we used woot when playing tabletop dice Dungeons and Dragons when we came across good gear or loot.. Now its worked its way into online games and chat speak.

Same sorta meaning, excitment, happy, wow I found someone I wanted or liked.

DM: You come across a chest filled with unicorn horns.
Mage: WOOT!
by treesekaon March 28, 2009
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exclm; used in times of great excitement; to express a stage of extreme excitement; often used instead of "yes!" "saweet!""awesome", etc.;
Kid 1: "What are we doing tonight?"

Kid 2: "Getting high on Vlad."

Kid 1: "Woot!"
by Michael March 3, 2005
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