1. Biological, nuclear, or chemical weapons designed to kill on a large scale
2. Things that the US own, but monitors everybody else's use of, because they have some deluded idea that only they can responsibly own them.
3. Also known as NEII (Not Existent In Iraq)
George W. Bush says we must invade Iraq because they had WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, and then passes resolutions authorizing the US to build more WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
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1. The only thing that detered a massive war between Russia and the United States during the Cold War.
2. Something that stopped a massive invasion of Japan during World War 2 and saved many American soldiers lives.
by Prophecy August 15, 2003
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1. Any type of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapon.
2. Stock excuse for any nation of the Free World to invade any other nation of the not-so-Free World that they don't like.
1. Saddam has (or rather, had) weapons of mass destruction.
2. We will depose all dictators who have weapons of mass destruction
by wambob July 17, 2003
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something that the US has plenty of and gives to iraq so that Bush has a reason to bomb iraq
USA gave weapons of mass ddestructio to Iraq so thay had a reason to bomb it
by TRU3K!LLA November 3, 2004
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