what is usually said at the office before a long-winded speech by the boss. Is often followed by "Your services are no longer needed."
"Jack, we need to talk. Since profits are down by 12% and we are looking to downsize the corporation, I am going to have to tell you that your services are no longer needed. Go luck finding around job."
by ricky roma September 27, 2003
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Datespeak for "I'm breaking up with you."
by Kurumi September 22, 2003
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phrase suggestive of a problem or figmented occurence of an anomaly within the relationship matrix that is regularly preceded or followed by a female friend/significant other/spouse standing in front of the television during one of a number of pivotal guy-moments, performed ALWAYS at the wrong time, such as:

(a) Within the last period/quarter/few minutes of any close game.

(b) The last (or only) game of any championship, ESPECIALLY in the most pivotal part (NBA Finals, World Series, Super Bowl, Stanley Cup Finals, any Game 7).

(c) Any episode of "The Man Show".

(d) The last level or final boss of any video game you're about to beat.
Announcer: "Johnson's at the 20, one defender to beat! Clock's ticking down... final seconds... he's at the 5... does a spin move... he can't shake him..."


"We need to talk"
by Spider RasMon November 24, 2003
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Generic phrase used in all cultures to denote the ending of a relationship and the final dispersement of common property. Tip of the iceberg.
by Anonymous September 21, 2003
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Man-Step up bitch fo shizzel ma nizzle.
Woman-We need to talk.
by A September 20, 2003
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Variation of "I like you but you aren't what I want"; "I need to complain about something"; "I'm a muff diving whore"
X- Hey Sam?
Sam- What?
X- We need to talk...
Sam- Oh shit...
by Sam A.M. October 18, 2003
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female version of "I need to complain"
"We need to talk" will often be said after toilet seats are left in the upright position, and/or you come before she does and/or in the event of forgotten anniversaries.
by Captain Rad November 22, 2002
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