Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into solid white blocks of varying softness; it can be silken, soft, firm, extra firm or super firm. Beyond these broad textural categories, there are many varieties of tofu. It has a subtle flavour, so it can be used in savoury and sweet dishes. It is often seasoned or marinated to suit the dish and its flavours, and due to its spongy texture, it absorbs flavours well.

Nutritionally, tofu is low in calories, while containing a relatively large amount of protein. It is high in iron and can have a high calcium or magnesium content depending on the coagulants (e.g. calcium chloride, calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate) used in manufacturing.

Tofu first originated in China and has been consumed within China for over 2,000 years dating back to the Han dynasty. It is also a traditional component of the cuisines of East and Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Amount Per 100 grams:
Calories 76
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 4.8 g 7%
Saturated fat 0.7 g 3%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 7 mg 0%
Potassium 121 mg 3%
Total Carbohydrate 1.9 g 0%
Dietary fiber 0.3 g 1%
Protein 8 g 16%
Vitamin C 0% Calcium 35%
Iron 30% Vitamin D 0%
Vitamin B6 0% Cobalamin 0%
Magnesium 7%
The tofu satay for £ 3.50 is also a nice vegetarian appetizer.

It's known that plant estrogens in soy products like tofu can help.

It is vegan and based on tofu (soya bean curd ), miso (fermented soya paste ), mushrooms and garlic.
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Adjective - ( always written with a capital T)

1. used as a description. A person that is dull on his or her own, but lights up in a crowd.


2. Used as an insult. A person who adapt to different environment and/or crowds but doesn’t seem to have a personality of their or refuse’s to show it. In this case the person seeks to deceive or manipulate
-That guys hot...
-don’t waste your time girl! I’ve dated him and he’s definitely a Tofu.

Are you sure? That guy seems nice!

I tell you man don’t trust him he’s a Tofu.


I hate that bitch! Everywhere she goes people are so nice to her, from the bosses to the new hire’s. Little they know, she’s a Tofu
by Arvinshake84 October 6, 2020
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Acronym standing for Totally Obnoxious Foodie Urbanite
"FU to you too TOFU," I said to the guy giving me a hard time about the menu.
by jrcdmc June 19, 2011
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zacrii is right about tofu having more protein and amino acids than meat. However, he forgot to mention that most of those proteins and amino acids are not in a form that humans can digest, since the soy from which tofu is made from is NOT fermented using the millenia-old Asian techniques of processing the beans, which also help neutralize the estrogen-like toxins that soy has. In addition, the soy products are acid washed in aluminum vats, which increases the risk of metal poisoning.

And for those who say that tofu is a meat substitute, remember that tofu does NOT contain Vitamin B-12, a nutrient found naturally in animal products and synthesized for supplement pills using microscopic animals.
Regardless of the bullshit that hippies and vegans spew, there is NOTHING natural about tofu. If you do not believe me, take a good look at the ingredients used to make it, the many processing methods of tofu, and the additives. Most of which are carcinogenic.
by sarcastic June 23, 2003
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adj. Something which looks appealing and/or identical to something appealing, but is actually bland and synthesized.
"I hate tofu books, their plots are always so cliche."
by Hazel October 24, 2004
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A cheese-like product made from mixing soy beans with Plaster of Paris. Now used in products that try to imitate meat.
I tried a Boca burger after hearing from the vegetarians that soy tofu is healthier than meat. Ever since I bit into that soy burger, I vowed never to be tricked by those vege-bastards again! Also, I had a hard time eating anything else after that because that horrible-tasting shit-for-a-burger left a metallic taste in my mouth for hours.
by AYB April 1, 2003
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1. a nasty meat substitute
2. a nickname for chris hall from christopher to topher to tofu... "the other white meat"
1. Sara put tofu on her salad
2. Hey, Tofu, wanna debate about life?
by lisagirl April 7, 2003
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