A deep story about the fall of the Soviet regime.
Have you children ever heard the story of Tetris?
by Rezzman April 29, 2005
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v. 1) To arrange in such a manner that the objects take up a limited amount of space. 2) To arrange in neat rows or columns. 3) To condense things into one area.
Once I am done tetrising the living room I will have enough room to pull out everything from my closet to tetris it.
by Lenny V December 26, 2005
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Moments of extreme difficulty.

Something very annoying.
"This road is so icy it's Tetris"

"That person is pure Tetris"
by dudette_colette January 12, 2010
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2C-T-7 is known as Tetris which Alexander Shulgin the creator cites as one of his top five phentethylamines along with along with 2C-T-2(Toons), 2C-B(Butterfly),2C-E(Europa), and mescaline.
Dude I overdosed my girlfriend on tetris on Valentines Day, I gave her a fat bump of it and it burned the hell out of her nose and then she proceeded to vomit all over the plants outside while the neighbors looked at us, I had to drive her back home while I was tetrised out too(do not attempt this)
by CoasterB March 1, 2010
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To 'tetris' a space is to fit things into it as tightly as possible using the shape of the objects to fit round one another in order to optimise use of space.
' I'll get the kids, you tetris the car'

'Can you tetris your cupboard a bit more please? There's plenty more junk could be in there instead of all over the floor'

Origin: The episode of the simpsons where Homer fits the kids and luggage into the car while teris music is played and everything becomes square shaped.
by Fiona Hanvey December 20, 2006
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"yo , that movie was tetris"
by davo May 15, 2003
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Having 3-5 girls stacked on top of each other in missionary position taking turns getting fucked.
"Buddy, don't you just want to tetris Janice, Julia, Caris, Karyn, and Elsie?"

"Hold on, I'm busying tetrising a few hoes, call you back later."
by Caris Ho May 17, 2007
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