a person with such a depressing job that unless mindlessly devoted, will kill himself by self-strangulation intra-cubicle before the age of 35.
by medaeval February 6, 2004
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A person that programs software.
Frank was a software engineer for Capital Gain Inc.
by Nicolai January 25, 2004
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A programmer who's getting paid a management salary.
That software engineer conned someone into giving him more money.
by phrebh January 23, 2004
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one who is an engineer of software and spends 20 percent of his/her day doing so the other 80 percent is looking up porn!
what did you do at work today bob? oh nothing just "booted my harddrive"
by Dr. Fatz February 2, 2004
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A software engineer who's getting paid in peanuts and whose primary responsibilty is to provide fellatory favors to middle and upper management.
Don't worry about cleaning those beer bottles up, thats why we hire associate software engineers.
by Tito Rhen January 15, 2007
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