SMT is an acronym for Suck My Turban. Very popularly used with Asian Indians who wear turbans.
Person 1: Hey! Can you help me carry this dining table to the kitchen please?

Person 2: Nope im busy texting.

Person 1: WOW! You can go SMT.
by MisterTurban December 2, 2010
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Shakin my Twat. Some people use SMH, shakin my head when they disapprove of something
I fucked up last night. That guy was so ugly. SMT
by MonkeysForever November 13, 2010
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As Patrick Swazy gets older, his nice pecs slowly turn into a pair of SMT.

Of course I wont date Karen! She's got SMT!
by gigantic-j-nose May 30, 2009
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There's smt I need to tell you..

Is smt wrong with you?
by Kurt Cobain's son February 19, 2020
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Her: Man that bitch can SMT for all I care.
Her: Yeah i know right that hoe can suck mine too.
Him: okay. (:

Theheo. -,-
by Eff ya. August 19, 2010
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stoned midnight taggers, a graffiti crew formed by stoners in the pacific north west, their only sourse of inspiration is hittin the sweet leaf.
by WaldoFindsYou December 22, 2009
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