Sk8r boi - think of their sk8boards as no 1!!!!
He broke my heart so i broke his sk8board!!!
Ha ha sk8r boi! loser!!!
by ~*~Eliza~*~ December 5, 2006
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No one’s real name is actually Sk8r. If this is his online alias, he has a massive d*ck and the tastiest of b*lls. Probably doesn’t actually skate irl.
Person 1: This guy named Sk8r added me on discord.

Person 2: oh yeh Sk8r has such a huge d*ck.
by Erenyeagerswife January 25, 2022
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Sk8r is a ROBLOX exploit aka script executor. It is free and can inject most scripts.
Me: Let's use Sk8r to hack
Friend: K
by fasfasfasfsafsadrtsgsdgsd December 7, 2019
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