Person 1:"Shut up!"
Person 2:*shuts up*
Person 1:"Hey I didn't mean it i was just yolking around cause I'm an egg."
by legoimmaeggo November 13, 2016
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being so high that you don't feel the cold anymore
Girl 1: Dude, aren't you cold?
Girl 2: Nah man, I'm the yolk.
by drinksandprofanity July 6, 2015
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You obviously lick kittens (more or less saying you're crazy)

Parody of (YOLO) -> You only live once
I'm going to eat another piece of cake because YOLO.
I can't believe you did that! YOLK
by TrinaSleeps March 12, 2012
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A word used to describe a group chat with only the finest men. Commonly make jokes about rape and black people.
Dude did you check the yolk chat last night?

Nah, I was jerking off instead
by iRhine December 22, 2017
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to hit some one hard or unexpextially, or to beat up
Damn that dude throws a hard punch.
Yeah man u got yolked
by C Stan AKA Corey S Babyy May 12, 2006
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to completely defeat, humiliate or destroy somebody; state of being victorious
He tried to argue with me, but he got yolked, or I still feel the yolk I pulled on him.
by number one br July 1, 2009
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This is the heart ♥shaped space between the legs and butt & ALL the beauty around it.
Fine looking yolk on that babe
by RandomOCdude March 13, 2016
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