It's a racial code phrase used as a warning to others.
by TN07 September 10, 2007
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Period the moon rises and the sky darkens. The night is a good opportunity to rest, forgive, forget, dream and be ready for the next day's fights.
"Night is to see the dreams and day is to make them true."
by Knight_ November 5, 2018
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to say goodnight to someone with no intention of sleeping because you don’t want to talk to them.
by slzacunt January 6, 2018
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damn you're buying an og? you should use night as middleman
by wassil November 27, 2019
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When you drink a few $5 bottles of wine at a festival in Rome and wake up hours after it’s over in a porta potty. Now you are drunk and lost
*5 am door bell rings
Brad: what happened?! We lost you at the front of the stage

Matt: buddy! I woke up in a porta potty at the festival and there wasn’t anyone around!!
Brad: you mean the Collosseum night night?
by Peacock matt August 28, 2018
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Originating in Glasgow, Scotland "night night patter" is when you get to that part of the night when everything that's not funny becomes hilarious, all whilst needing no explanation. Night night patter is usually paired with illegal substances such as acid, ketamine and alcohol.
Night night patter in itself cannot be fully defined, however here are some examples I have come across.

Person one - 'mate look at the state of her, she paints her fucking nails"


Person one - "Know what I'd love? A nice vegan sandwich and a bit of dick"
by Vazatron January 8, 2017
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