A pathetic condition/policy where there's only room for one Black person to shine in (at least the mainstream of) a given industry or scene, even when there are many other talented and worthy Black people to give work or accolades to. Unfortunately usually those other Black persons (as well as Asian, Latino, etc.) are snubbed or overlooked in favor of the anointed Black talent and/or a whole bunch of mediocre whites.

Oftentimes even that particular one Black will see to it no one else benefits from the perks they get, out of feeling those others are a threat to take their position.

Not to necessarily be related to affirmative action, though it kinda can be. And while not necessarily tokenism, one nigga syndrome is also in effect when whites will bring aboard one Black person into the group and cap it there so that in case he gets out of hand, he won't have backup when they collude against him.
Tyra Banks tended to be a victim of one nigga syndrome when Naomi Campbell was the go-to Black supermodel at the time.

One nigga syndrome was in effect on all but two seasons of The Real World. Notice how the token Black also tends to be gay.
by Kuahmel December 20, 2009
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A state at which you have became so much of a real nigga that you can not die
Guy 1: Dude did you find out?
Guy 2: What man.
Guy 1: I have Real Nigga Syndrome
Guy 2: Ahh man that sucks, no dying and shit
by The Man Who Founded RNS March 8, 2014
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"Fix a nigga syndrome" refers to the female mind set that she is capable of fixing his inner demons.
Female: He claims he's going through a lot, I don't know how much I can take of this, but I love him, and I'm going to give him another chance.

Female friend: Girl you got that "fix a nigga syndrome, you need some help.
by Girlpowerusa March 2, 2019
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Third nigga syndrome is a side effect of several varieties of ganja, but is almost guaranteed if one smokes a large amount of a purple strain.

Third nigga syndrome is a mental thought loop where one gets too stoned and believes there is another nigga with them, and for some reason, it only really happens when you’re high as eagle with one of your niggas. You may see the third nigga out of the corner of your eye, or just sense the third nigga’s presence nearby. In groups larger than two or whilst smoking solo the extra imaginary nigga is rarely sensed.
“Yoooooo where’s the other buhl with us?”

‘Oh shit...where did that nigga go?’
“Yo there’s definitely a third nigga with us”
‘I know, right?’

“Yo we got third nigga syndrome.”
‘Oh big facts.’
by #s r = 2 letters April 9, 2021
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Short Nigga Syndrome, only applies to guys named Caleb because Caleb is a short person name.
Caleb has Short Nigga Syndrome
by Aswan’s April 2, 2022
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Big Nigga Syndrome is a condition of big body, low intelligence (intelgence), & skeevy and/or hinky behavioral tendencies. Those afflicted with the Syndrome tend to use their size to inflict their will or intimidate others.
I didn't mess with him. He has Big Nigga Syndrome.
by Swisher rolled tight June 9, 2021
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real nigga syndrome is what only real niggas have

its when you just a real nigga....... you take niggas bitches , dont fuck wit snitches , and stack up them digits , and yell out "free my nigga koo koo out the pen !"
keisha: deeaaammnnn look at tyrese girl

yolanda:yeahh i knoww aint he cute , too bad he got some type of syndrome

keisha: nahh girrl he just got real nigga syndrome

yolanda: oh in the name of jesus thank god, ima go have his babys real quick
by takeyabitchandhititquick May 28, 2016
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