Dude that was a murp!
by HBP533 October 29, 2011
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To ooze over, overflow out of it's container
by Bitchicus October 1, 2008
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Unnaturally ugly and weird looking
Wait Alex is actually murped
by Francescrawr July 14, 2021
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a sound emitted by petite females when frightened
Joe: Stephanie, look out, a spider!
Stephanie: Murp!
by JorgeTheMajicDraygon October 22, 2015
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Ok first of all everyone who thinks they know the definition of murp is incorrect. A murp is an almost inexplainable word, but it means an awkward person who creeps around everyone. They think they are in on a conversation but really they just stand there and look creepy.
C: Who is that in the corner?
L: You mean that new girl, Diane?
C: Ya she is just standing there staring at everyone.
L: Ya seriously she's a Murp.
by Clairesy December 5, 2007
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An action noise created by thee online personality "An0maly." It's more or less an unenthused expression for having to get out of a chair or having to leave one room to enter another. Also can be used randomly for no apparent reason other than for the sake of murping.
Murp. I've gotta take a piss.

Murp. These apples aren't gunna wash themselves.

Murp. I'm awake.

Murp. I tooted.

Murp. Here I am world!
by mymouthismygun. December 18, 2017
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To murder, rape and pillage/plunder. Used as shorthand in my high-school Great Books class when we were discussing Nietzche.
While Nietzche's heroes were murping all across Europe...
by e-boy September 28, 2007
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