people who post definitions on this site based simply on experience and not even doing research on the most common uses of the term (which is especially prevalent with company names such as Home Depot, Gap and Walgreens)
Sometimes, the listings at are helpful in finding words that would be considered offensive in society, but the morons make finding legitimate definitions impossible.
by La Pala November 18, 2006
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One incapable of recognising the stupidity of an action.
Man, those people who chant "what" at WWE events are such morons.
by Adrian October 5, 2003
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The science of stupidity, taking stupidity and subhuman intelligence to the lowest level.
The boss should get a doctorate in moronics for that idiotic suggestion.
by Jozimoto June 24, 2007
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Someone who looks up the word "moron" in a dictionary.
If you don't know what moron means, god help you! Dumbass!
by Cornbred December 6, 2004
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Being an act of a moron.
Doing a girl's assignment simply because you have a crush on her is moronous.
by footprintoftheworld May 1, 2007
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Moron is a kind of an animal which looks like a raccoon, a moose and a chestnut. It is furry, tastes and smells like chestnut. It is a size of a big dog with horse feet and a big nose. It is also brown.
Moron is the kind of non-human animal(non-human is a key part here) you really want to avoid. If you have friends that look like Morons. RUN !
by wheat man ;) December 12, 2019
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