Manu is used to describe something that has more swag then Hiten Sharma which is basically everything.
I was walking home and a saw a house that was sooooo manu
by Hiten is gayer then the day March 15, 2017
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To violently stab someone with a pen, pencil, or pencil crayon.
Did you see Steve manu Jim during English class.
by Killer_Instinct March 7, 2012
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that car was wicked manu
by appz February 12, 2003
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A combination of both a mouth and anus in one.

A sea anemone eats and defecates with its manus.

Manus may also refer to the mouth of someone who only talks shit.
Peter - "My anemone looks better today, hss opened up, you can see his manus now."
Joni - "Haha his white rimmed manus"

Peter - "Your mate should just keep his manus closed."
by such definition July 16, 2014
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A very macho anus.
Woah can you look at that major anus!
I almost got a malus anus just by looking at it!
Myes it is a manus.
by Tzotzko from Filipovtzi February 2, 2020
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A terms used by myself and almost everyone at Glen Eden Intermediate in 1980-1981. Used primarily as a form of mockery at someones embarrassment when told off by a teacher, falling over, getting tripped over e.t.c. Basically any act which invited ridicule from friends and people in the general vicinity. It was not "transmissible" nor could you give it to someone by touching them on the forehead or anywhere else.
Someone would "get the manus" through an embarrassing act - at which point everyone else would laugh and point and say "Manus" or perhaps "Manus on your undies".

This word replaced the previous and overused cries of "Shame" or "Shame on your undies" but is of uncertain origin - someone started it and it spread like wildfire. :-)

Calling the teacher "Mum" inadvertantly was a definite manus.
by Craigio October 22, 2006
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Pronounced manoose; anal cavity of a man, often used when taunting men about their sexual orientacion.
You must love tight manus!
by manushole13 March 22, 2008
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