Krumping is a term that is used in place of seizure in order to not hurt peoples feelings and keep medical condition a secret. When someone is having a seizure the can just say "I was Krumping" and no one will be any the wiser or make fun of them.
Is Tyrese having a seizure? Yes, but he calls it krumping so that no one makes fun of him or finds out he has seizures.
by saharadryhumor March 16, 2015
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A supposed form of dancing that bears resemblance to an epileptic seizure.

Quite funny to watch. You laugh at the dancer, not with them. They think they're amazingly cool.
"Haha, some islanders are krumping over there. They look so idiotic.."
"Mate, I think they're having a seizure"
"Don't worry, it's just the 'dancing'"
"Seriously, dude.. Call an ambulance"
by Ziggy-Stardust May 20, 2008
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Wild dance style that looks like a cross between a seizure and a tantrum with wildly iratic movements and no defined style
I was getting crazy stupid on the dance floor doin my best krump on these bitches
by ChomGV530 May 25, 2015
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a type of dance invented to keep kids off the street. This is also called clown dancing because peeps often paint their faces an do robotic clown like movements.
O junk! Check out that kids crump! He got game!
by hotime5676 April 28, 2004
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Like Stripper Dancing and Clown dancing, but more tribal, more intense movements, spirtual, more gritty.
by s1parkle November 1, 2005
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The hottest dancing around to come out of the Bay area and the West Coast! Fa sho!
Number 3 can krump off deez nuts! Ya digg!
by cherrykoolaid February 21, 2008
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A dance done in inner cities made up of quick jerking movements. Little movement of the lower body is used. Krumping is generated from Los Angeles. AND krumping is the SH*T. This is the definition, no questions asked.
by ATJ July 6, 2005
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