A 'thing', used when you can't (be bothered to) remember the real name of something. Less effort to say than (for example) whatchamajigger or oojamaflip.
Pass the jobby over here, would ya..

Let me just grab my jobby and we can go
by JamesC March 29, 2005
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Cutesy Mom word for a bowel movement, as in 'doing your job'.
Did you go jobby or just a peeps?
by Mickey Bitsko September 14, 2007
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When your job is so much fun that it feels less like work and more like a hobby.
Sometimes I feel guilty getting paid this obscene amount for my jobby. It's so much fun that I'd probably do it for free.
by Michael Stupidiotic3 June 11, 2009
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A smelly,browny-greeny mixture of food that slops out of your anus and leaves your stomach feeling fresh.
oh that jobby wiz fuckin guid...noo ma belly feels empty.
by Boab December 2, 2003
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jobbyest, n; jobbies, pl

(1) combination of hobby and job
(2) the requirements and responsibilities of a job, but the pay of a hobby
(3) typically, the jobbyest believes they have a job, but reasonable people may disagree
Jobby examples include: PTA president, golf course marshal, churchwarden, most activities engaged in by stay-at-home parents
by sprtagt September 9, 2010
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