a term that can be used for both romantic and platonic relationships
“You’re my brother, I love you.” -Keith Kogane, to his older brother/mentor, Shiro.
by Yoranceiscanonking June 26, 2018
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3 words that should never be said to someone unless you mean it. because sometimes people believe it when you dont mean it. and you break hearts.
Steve:i love you allison
Allison:i love you too steve
later that night
steve:o kelly lets have sex
kelly:what about allison
Steve: o her were over.
next day
Steve: o hey allison i love you baby.
by Allyyyyyyyy April 28, 2005
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A common saying that is said between a male and a female that are both in a serious relationship together.
I love you...Please don't ever leave me.

I know it may seem a little too early to be saying this, but I want to say this now before it's too late. I love you.

We've only been dating for a couple of months, but girl I love you.

You make me happy. I love you.
by The Hit September 7, 2009
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Saying 'I love you' shouldn't be said as a joke. When you really love someone, you'll know. They become the person you can't stop thinking about, the person you want to impress, the person that when you're w them you get butterflies in your stomach, the person that you look into their eyes & just get lost in them, the person you want to talk to everyday, the person that makes you read their text & smile for more reason. When you love someone, all you want to do is make them happy, their priorities come before yours. If someone's talking shit about the person you love, you'll knock em' out real quick. You'll respect them even when you're arguing. You'll give them everything you van just to make them happy, you would give them the world if you could. I know this bc I have a girlfriend of 10 months now, yeah I've had other relationships but none like this. she's my world, I would do anything for her & I'm more than happy to call her my girl & to say that I am most definitely in love w her.
A: I love you.
K: Hey baby, I love you too.
A: I love you more.

K: No, I am more than in love w you, so shush.
by 😎😘😈 March 17, 2016
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8 leters to spell love, funny 8 letters in bullshit too.
bby, i love you forever. (beep beep bullshit alert)
by kayluhhh March 6, 2008
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The phrase someone close to you says before they point out a flaw, something you did or are currently doing wrong, a mistake you made, something embarrassing, or something just flat out mean. This phrase is mostly used by parents and spouses, not so much by close friends and non-immediate family members.
Example 1

Mom: Jerry, you know I love you, but you did a really shitty job at sweeping the kitchen floor.

Jerry: Ugh you always say that before you yell at me for something stupid.

Dad: Allan, you know I love you, but that haircut you got today makes you look very homosexual.

Allan: Wow thanks.
by patriotsaaron0218 January 29, 2011
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Something no one will ever say to me, but it means like you are saying "I am here for you." "Being here" means being fully present in the relationship—physically, emotionally and spiritually. You can say it to a family member, friend, etc. But not weirdly to a stranger
Mom: -cooks food-
Kid: Mom!
Mom: Yes?
Kid: I love you!
Mom: I love you too :)
by im smart as ashley May 5, 2021
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