Self proclaimed Christian who's biblical teachings/beliefs apply to everyone but himself .
Mr. Smith is a Hypochristian. He condemns atheists for not believing in God, while he cheats on his wife with Mrs. Jones.
by Cabrene December 29, 2016
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A person who claims to be a Christian but doesn't follow the most fundamental Christian values in real life (See also: Republican)
When refugees came to her country seeking safety she turned them away despite her Bible instructing her otherwise. She may go to church but she's nothing more than a hypochristian.
by SquidSplitter June 14, 2017
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Someone who claims to be a Christian but who: is racist, is prejudiced, hates other faiths, lies, cheats, acts badly, badmouths and treats others with disrespect, or has evil intentions. This person usually has a "holier than everyone else attitude" but he/she is totally fake. Often doesn't attend church except maybe occasionally on Christmas Eve. The person thinks he/she can do outrageous, immoral, unethical, awful things, but it's okay because as a "Christian," he or she will be "forgiven."
Jack is the ultimate Hypochristian who cheats on his taxes, on his wife, on his buddies when playing poker, yet he'll make his family go to church on Easter Sunday.
by Gnome De Plumaria March 10, 2019
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People who claim to be Christian followers of Christ, Jesus but behave in the opposite manner. Judgmental instead of Accepting, Generous instead of Kind, Hateful instead of Loving.
They CLAIM to be Christian, but they spread hate & rejection - the exact opposite of Jesus - they are HYPOCHRISTIAN.
Example: Westboro Baptist Church
by Seldon Surak July 23, 2016
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A hypocritical person of Christian faith who participates in sinful activities but thinks it's ok because they are Christian.
I heard Jason goes to church every Sunday and believes in Jesus and yet I caught him fingering an unconscious girl at a party. Fucking hypochristian.
by Lamusette August 13, 2020
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An individual who is diametrically opposite to the basic foundational teachings of Jesus the founder of the Christian faith. In essence they are a total hypocrite in all aspects of what it means to be a Christian.
Peter: Did you know that church is so hypochristian! They think they have the right to tell others how to live.
John: Isn't that like saying to God, "Hey you aren't doing your job right! I know what's best here"
Peter: Maybe it's an innate desire to be their own autonomous being. A feeble attempt to be their own god.
by The Xenograph June 15, 2011
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