A femal that will stick around and do your drugs until the hoebag is gone.
Man my homeboy fell off of his hustle cause he had to many hoebags leaching of him and smuckin him for his product.
by Swizzle's April 7, 2017
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an insult to someone whos a hoe but they're a big hoe
mary: fuck off you hoebag
by larry the duck June 4, 2020
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Damn Lauryn’s parents don’t want her to come home because of what a hoebag she is
by Cblack18 April 18, 2019
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a sleezy whore, or female who will never stop blowing
joe: did you see that hoebag walking down the street?
josh: yeah she was banging!
by ur dad June 17, 2006
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A female individual who has thrown all morals out in order to achieve a higher status in society.
Miley Cyrus is the perfect role model for wannabe hoebags.
by pseudobitch February 9, 2011
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A relativily nasty name to call someone usually it is told to smoenone who has a rep of being a hoe, someone that is a hoe that You can wrap up in a bag.
Jenny is such a Hoebag.

Me and casey kid around by calling ourselves hoebags.

I wanna get into that hoebag.

by spazzinator 2.0 September 20, 2007
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a girl who will do anything with someones penis to be excepted.
man, she fucked him TWICE this weekend. sofi is such a hoebag!
by jackie blandemo October 2, 2007
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