Texting a person in a flirtatious manner. Not as trashy as sexting. in a "more than a friend" type of way
Mere " OH my god i'm flexting austin now!"
Molly " ohhh its flexting now instead of just texting?"
by ilikepbandj August 12, 2010
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The act of flirting within a text message.

To flext (verb)
Flexting (infinitive form)
A flext (noun)
We were totally flexting last night. I mean, he used a winky face emodicon. Can he be more forward?!
by Iggle Bear April 20, 2011
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v. To flirt with someone via text messages. It's like safe sexting
n. Flexter
adj. Flexty
"I'm to shy to talk to him in person. How do I get him to like me?" " Flext! It's sorta like safe sexting."
by onlybetx April 6, 2010
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When you are so desperate to become Booty you start sniffing around people to replace people who have been loyal to you... Even after you have Flexted someone else you do not give up.. You keep Flexing every month until you get blocked or accused of sexual assault
That dickhead is Flexting again.. Desperate bastard.

Dont finish high on the leaderboard otherwise you'll get a fake done Flexting you.

If he spent less time Flexting he wouldnt be such a useless shit head to his group.
by ConstableFlex April 28, 2022
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