I have serious ED. I have to go visit Ed. Ed had a serious talk with me last night after my gigantic burrito
by PC girls December 31, 2005
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abbreviation for the health condition known as erectile dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction is where it is harder for a man to achieve an erection. (Impotence).

Drugs that can be used to help ED include
Viagra(sildenafil citrate)
Vicerex (apparently you can use this one with alcohol)
Since I have ED, it is hard for me to get hard.
by TylerNT May 22, 2006
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Ed is a definition for erectile disfunction which is when the penis does not blow up which makes you to able to have 👉👌(sex).

It can also be a person with the name of Ed

Ed is a young man who has been diagnosed with acne and if he lets his beard grow has a goatee.
Ed's beard looks like pubes.
by TheCornDealer September 9, 2019
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Someone who makes repeated submissions of supposed new words to the Urban Dictionary, but is never successful in getting any of them accepted.
John tried to impress the women at the party with his vocabulary, but they all knew he was an Ed.
by Amicus101 January 16, 2013
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German version of sharpie.
Synonym for any black permanent marker used. Comes in all sizes and colors, but weapon of choices is black.

Not to be shared with friends or alikes, for you never get them back.

Hey dude, pass me the edding!
Nope, that's mine, buy yourself one.
by GuBa September 2, 2007
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(Or the phonetic glyph 'ae') Shorthand of Encyclopedia Dramatica (encyclopediadramatica.com), teh funnayz wiki hate site; evar! It features quite knowledgeable, polished and refined fanzine articles with a plethora of multimedia content, alongside thought out definitions and witty socio-political commentary; mostly about the current internet drama subculture. Only the exalted victors of the e-worlds are allowed to edit its illustrious pages, filled with the magnificently exquisite nectar of their lulzeries. Meaning; lulzy fagxrz poxerz haxorz shit; wikipedos... do not want! we pwnxr yu!!!!11! (banned anonymous amirite) Add to everything ED related.

(Dubious disclaimer: This definition was also written for the lulz!)
These silly EDiot EDitors think that because they are somewhat funnay they can get away with murder; they are asking for it; had not being doing it for the lulz!
by mayor_lulzer May 11, 2008
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