Level 4 pathogen that the world, mostly ignorant people, are stressing over way too much. The influenza virus is 20 times more dangerous and is easier to catch. You are more likely to witness an obese woman fall from a roller coaster before you catch Ebola.
Retard1: Hey you should be careful, aren't you afraid of getting Ebola?

Educated person: No you fucktard.
by kyle_kaotic October 14, 2014
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The reason for everything that is somehow related to being sick
Cara: *cough*
Everybody around her: EBOLA!!!
by satanxx November 8, 2014
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A disease outbreak in West Africa that withheld our attention for a while. Somtimes used sarcastically but severely serious.
sarcastically: " What am I gonna get Ebola" or non sarcastically "Ebola is rare and deadly."
by CoolGal1313 January 17, 2015
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Friend 1: Did you hear about that Ebola virus?
Friend 2: I know, all of america won't calm the hell down about it. Must not know the definition.
by fatyg5 November 7, 2014
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Used on an episode of mad TV, it is a synnonym of/for
the bomb, cool, sweet, the shit, awesome, dank, clutch, HxCore, badass, etc.
yo man, that shit was ebola.
by ya brother June 1, 2006
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Something u must have to no da wae
Do u no da wae?
Yes I no da wae!I have ebola!

I must find the kween!
by Omg_u_Ok_gyal February 4, 2018
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do you know da wae? you have to have ebola to know da wae.
by ftg6y April 12, 2018
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