When you are really pissed off at someone this is a good reference to use in order to convey that message.Also commonly followed up with,"And bark at the moon."
by Dennis McCallson March 22, 2007
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To have an untimely upset on an off road motorcycle, used in description.
That fag-bitch Scott closed the door on me, causing me to lose the front end, then I ate shit bad!
by soup April 4, 2003
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when your doing something extreme, like mountain biking, water tubing, etc., and you take a massive wipeout
when you eat shit after falling off a water tube at 45 mph, it hurts like hell.
by tubve August 18, 2008
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When you fall really fucking hard it can be on your face or not it doesn't matter
Guy 1: aye you seen that nigga eat shit while running the other day?
Guy 2: Yea he fucking hard as shit
by slumpin January 14, 2017
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Having a really bad day.
John's girlfriend broke up with him, his mother died in a car crash, and he lost his job; today, John was eating shit.
by mrshiteater April 5, 2010
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to hang out, or to imply people gossiping
We were at the mall, eating shit.

I walked away 'cause they were eating shit, and Mary's my friend.
by Mekka April 23, 2004
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