Ok, some of these definitions come off as being very moronic. Let me first address that I am proud of my culture, but these definitions just scream stereotypical and inaccurate and made me die a little inside.
A Dominican is someone who is a native of the Dominican Republic. They DO NOT hate Puerto Ricans. This is garbage started by teens my age. Not all Dominicans are Campesinos. However, those who come to the United States are mainly from poorer areas. This doesnt only apply to us, EVERY nation in the world has low class citizens. Those from lower classes are usually deprived of education. Dominicans and Hatians are NOT the same thing. They both speak different languages. Second of all, their cultures are different. Blacks and Dominicans are not the same thing either. Yes, many have African ancestry, It doesn’t mean they should consider themselves strictly 'black' with the ancestry they have little intact with. Not all are illegal. Some may be, but not ALL. Not all work at bodegas, Barber shops or become Pro Baseball Players. Why not open a history book and see those who mastered in Medicine or those who attended Medical schools in DR where many go to study an exceptional field in Medicine? The list goes on. Not all have a Ghetto Mentality. Yes unfortunately, there are a number of young kids who end up with wrong groups of people and do wrong mainly to themselves. There are also those who have their mindset geared towards a successful life, too.
Person A: Hi I'm Bob, I'm American
Person B: Hey, I'm Melecia, I'm Dominican
Person A: You are?? Do you eat platanos all the time?
Person B: No, do you eat Burgers and Fries all the time?
by Its meee Kay July 15, 2010
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Is this group of latinos, black, mulatre who thinks they are White and share the Island of Hispaniola with this group of people called haitians which the dominicans hate so bad! They are black and think of them as black people! They don't like black! I am a dominican and hate what the others are doing!
Hey, who is that dude in that concho? Nope that one can't be dominican! He looks black and haitian! Esperamos para un otro concho! I am not going to sit by blackies or haitianos!
by willis gonzalea June 25, 2009
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Dominican can represent people from two different nationalities
1. The most known one is people from, or have family from the Dominican Republic, who are Hispanic

2. The other is people from the Caribbean country of Dominica, who usually aren't Hispanic

Just wanted to clear things up for those who don't know
"What are you?"
"I'm Dominican"
"You're from the Dominican Republic?"
"Nah, I'm from Dominica"
by doMinicanBOy August 12, 2009
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The word Dominican can be used when talking about someone from the Dominican Republic OR someone from Dominica. Dominica is a completely separate island located between Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago.
Person 1: I'm Dominican.
Person 2: Can you speak Spanish?
Person 1: No, I'm not 'Dominican' as in Dominican Republic. I'm Dominican as in I'm from the Caribbean island of Dominica.
by Island Gurl January 9, 2022
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A Dominican is one whose heritage is traced to the Dominican Republic (disambiguation between dominican from the Dominican Republic and the island of Dominica). Dominicans occupy a little more than half of the island of la Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Their culture is one mixed with Spanish, Taino and some fragmented African traditions and genealogies. In the US, Dominicans are known for excelling in the sport of baseball. Dominicans are also widely known for their skill in hair styling and distribution of effective hair and aesthetic products. Women from the Dominican Republic are also among the world's most beautiful and exotic. Some Dominican trademarks include merengue (as well as dominican reggaeton artists), highly acclaimed beer Presidente, high-grade beverage Mamajuana, Mangu (plantain dish), an officially established territory occupying a big part of Manhattan (NY), known as Washington Heights (a.k.a "lo platano').
Generally, dominicans are viewed as very friendly people who are very proud of their culture. Often misconceptions have revolved around dominicans wanting to be puerto rican. As of early, this myth has been debunked. Studies have shown that while Puerto Rico has been better off economically, most Dominicans 'lost respect' for their cousin country for giving up its independence as a latin country to the US and thus becoming a commonwealth. Being ridiculed for this, Puerto Ricans have harbored feelings of resentment against dominicans and defend themselves by saying that dominicans want to be like them. Other surveys concluded that Dominicans take pride in their language and culture, while an alarming percentage of boricuas hardly speak spanish or not at all. Overall, the dominican/rican rivalry has not been ongoing for long, but it is a rather recent enmity ignited by foreign policy.
Dominicans are skilled in music (as well as Cubans and Puerto Ricans)
"Yo, check out that group of people over there havin fun, lookin beautiful and eating plantains...who are they?"

"Aah, my friend...they are Dominicans"
by AtlasGuy April 8, 2009
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Just to be clear, people are not jealous of nor do they wish to be Dominican. That only proves that they are indeed arrogant and egotistical.

A lot of dominicans are in fact quite delusional. It is one thing to be proud of your culture, but claiming that the DR is the best country in the world is just plain arrogant. A lot of them also think they are better than others, and that people envy them though they do not even have a creer or job.

Dominicans crave money. They are such gold diggers, and their life goal is to find a foreigner who would just get them out of the island and support them financially. Most men are either bisexual or gay for pay. Thats why the gym is such a big thing and they have muscular bodies, so they can have sex for money. It is very common to find Dominicans who dont do anything except drink beer and smoke hookha all day long while making stupid faces.

It is also common for Dominicans to ask you for money without even knowing you. They usually would tell you that they need to pay rent or buy stuff for their kids (cuz they have kids at an early age) and ask you to give them or send them money, more often than not, they will offer you sex in return.

A lot of them cant write, like seriously, they cant put a sentence together properly. Their accent and the way they talk is pretty bad, too.

Hey, how are you doing?

Dominican: Mal pana, debo un dinero ahí y tengo que pagar la casa
by Alucinado1021 July 18, 2019
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A person from the Demon Republic. Most of the time you can barely understand them because they're so used to speaking in tongues due to the fact they worship demons all the time. They like to make annoying sounds, including making beeping sounds and imitating car noises. If you ever encounter a "Dominican" don't make eye contact and be completely still, rumors have it they won't see you then.
Most Common Demon Phrases:
"It's Dominican Republic you fuggin racist"
"You stoopid or somethin?"
"Big fohead"
"Speak spanish"
by James Smith November 17, 2014
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