Though regarded by professionals as superior to CASHS, the students know that's not true.
by TennisPlayer69 June 9, 2021
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This person is the definition of a tool... they get over excited in the bedroom and scream out very loudly, and make horse like noises!

Everything to them is SUPER and good good good

They have been known to wear jesus sandles and a poncho
OMD CM is wearing his jesus sandles and a poncho again!
by brassey_30 May 11, 2010
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I hope me and we'll be cm Next year

Yeah she's my CM

Are you a CM of Mel
by EnglishNoob April 13, 2016
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Chronic Masturbation Syndrome
illegal in over 4 countries.
Nick had a bad case of CMS after returning from band camp.
I'm sorry to tell you this scooby, but you and shaggy have CMS.
by icanswim December 9, 2005
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Carpet Muncher; a girl or group of girls that are totally obsessed with one another, almost to the point of being lesbianic.

Can also be used as a verb when referring to actions that are being done with other girls or "CMs".
"Happy birthday lover! Here's that 3 carat diamond floating necklace you wanted...Only the best for my CM!"

"Yeah the CMs aren't coming out tonight...they're probably running around their apartment doing nude sit ups or discussing their sex lives..."

On an away message: "you fine, but I ain't gon' sweat ya': CM'n with my ladies ;-)"
by BirdGirl April 5, 2007
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An overly expensive piece of survey equipment that is pushed into an underground cavity (void) by the errant surveyor. This $120,000Aus lemming is then left for half an hour, amongst a rain of 2 ton plus sized rocks in a bid to create a 3D model of the stope. The model therein created allows the engineer to 'reconcile' the stope, or compare a model as opposed to actual void shape. This task usually ends the surveyor getting blamed for a poor CMS, when in fact it is the engineers poor design and inexperience that has left half of the gold on the footwall of the stope.....
Go and get a CMS of the stope survey monkey, we think you marked out the rings wrong.....usual reply is: learn how to design rings and you will recover all the ore...fool
by camdude June 20, 2007
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