An acronym for "Bullshit In Context," the art of expressing complete crap according to the specific topic and\or subject.
I pulled such BIC in that history exam. I even added a fictional character called Lt. Col. James Rhodes into my essay...
by Lt. Col. James Rhodes September 15, 2011
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Best In Class. Means that someone (usually client) wants something to be unrealistically good.
- We want our site to be BIC!
- Oh, so like all the funcionality of Google with the looks of Apple and the popularity of Facebook?
- Yeah, only in full 3D. And delivered by next week.
by blkmage October 8, 2009
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It's not an acronym, but it is a safe way to say the word 'bitch' in school. If a teacher asks what you mean, say, "Oh! It's an acronym for 'beaches in California'. The teacher will walk away confused.
Me: omg! (Oh my god) stop being such a bic
Teacher:Hm? What does 'bic' mean?
Me: oh, it means beach in California. I am simply criticizing her for being so peaceful!
Teacher:Aw, that's so sweet but dont criticize people for being like that! You're quite the B-I-C yourself!
by Girafiella November 18, 2019
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Abreviation for "boner in class" or sometimes used as a "boner in church"

pronunciation: "BIK"
damn, last block i had a bic for like the whole time and the teacher kept makin us stand up and shit.
by mxzrider May 17, 2005
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Paris: It's my party! I want it done my way!
Tom: God, can we say Bitch In Charge(BIC)?
by Ambria October 9, 2007
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verb: to completely shave one's head. Usually when one's hair is notably long in the first place.
Jens decided to BIC his mullet for graduation.
by Orange Hat June 26, 2005
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This is an MC's most powerful weapon...the pen. "Bic" is the name of the most common use pen.
I was writin' lyrics, just me and my bic.
by dreone May 1, 2003
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