A word made up by triple j host and comedian Ross Noble for the horrible looking australian idol guy sebastian
Bast would have to be one of the most horrible looking people on the planet
by Zi-wordwoman January 6, 2005
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Acronym for Big Ass, Small Tits. Used to describe a chick with this affliction.
by yosdk July 17, 2005
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in the Mormon practice when a male inserts his genitalia into a female with out the in and out motion of normal intercourse which Mormons believe not to be loosing their virginity.
Hey sally my parents are at the temple come over so we can baste... I sure do love Basting you.
by Ryan Girard June 18, 2011
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A person, ususally a male that wears bulky glasses refered to as Bast Glasses and loves to show his Bast pride by wearing flamboyant neon jackets which are called Bast Jackets.

The official Bast website is Http://www.angelfire.com/scary/bast and i have found it very useful in my studies
1. Oh well ya bast!

2. My dad use to be a Bast but someone stole his glasses.

3. Man, that Bast is mugging me, i'm about to show him who's boss.

4. That Bast loves his bast jacket, he never leaves home without it.
by Sam December 5, 2003
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verb the act of getting, &/or being, baked & wasted at the same time. getting baked + getting wasted = basteing
Jim can often be found Basteing behind the library on campus.

Basteing, is my absolute favorite thing to do!

"I'm Basting ballz right now brahh!"
by Roost3r Cogz August 26, 2009
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To artificially inseminate (as with a turkey baster).
"Wow! Did you hear about that chick who got basted by Clay Aiken?"
by K. Gill June 10, 2008
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When you're high and drunk. A hybrid of baked and wasted.
Dude. That purple haze and vodka combo got me totally basted.
by A slice June 9, 2013
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