A city on the East Coast that is home to residents who feel their city is the greatest in the world. Common misconceptions repeatedly heard within 100 miles of the city include, "The Ravens are winning the Super Bowl this year", "Ray Lewis is God", "The O's are better than the Yankees", "bright colored polos and foppish colored pants are cool" and many more. Features the highest homocide rate in the nation. Also home to residents who believe they are richer than they really are.
I met some d-bag chodhuffer yesterday, turns out he's from Baltimore.
by MikeyCP July 31, 2005
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a town full of people that wanna be philly so bad they steal our slang, architecture, and culture. they for the streets. if you see a baltimore boul spank them cause they always coming from a dick appointment cause they never stop dick eating.
"Yo you from Baltimore? naw dawg ion fuck with Baltimore bouls get the fuck outta here! Before I shoot yo ugly ass, dick eater!"
by yungboul838 May 17, 2021
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code word for i am sketching out with a drag off, do not text me
text - baltimore

carly - not f'betch always ditches me at the club
by jody martin January 27, 2008
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Baltimore is the biggest city in Md. It's a place where everybody knows everybody. The only place where the weather can be 100 degrees & 100% humidity lol.

Only 3 other places come close: Detroit goes hard, Philly is our brothers and Jersey is just real with it.

“Danger Zones”: East, South, West, North and Central Baltimore. That’s the order of danger based on my life’s experiences.

Home of:
-Johns Hopkins Hospital
-“The Wire”, “The Corner” & “Homicide: Life on the Street”
-Chicken box and Half & Half
-Baltimore Club Music
-BGE (the nations first Gas utility company)
-Baltimore Ravens, Orioles and Blast

Famous Baltimoreans:
-Jada Pinkett-Smith (born and raised)
-Carmello Anthony (raised, not born)
-Dru Hill (born and raised)
-Bucky Lasek (born and raised in Dundalk)
-Charles S. Dutton (born and raised)
-Mo’Nique (born and raised in Woodlawn)
-Montel Williams (born and raised)
-Mario (born and raised)
-Anna Faris (born, not raised)
-John Waters (born, not raised)
-DMX (born, not raised)
-Oprah Winfrey (spent time here in her 20’s)
-Tupac Shakur (spent his teen years here)
-Thurgood Marshall (born and raised)
-Kevin Clash who plays Elmo (born and raised in Turner Station)
-Babe Ruth (born and raised)
-Juan Dixon (born and raised)
-Cal Ripkin Jr., Edgar Allan Poe, Billie Holliday, Ben Carson, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and Francis Scott Key have all spent time in Baltimore.
Baltimore=resilience. To make it out of Baltimore is something to brag about. Even people from the projects make it everyday from NY and LA because they are already set up from birth to succeed. Baltimoreans have to truly fight to make it and that's what makes us so resilient.
by Boopsta May 17, 2011
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The city in Maryland that's bashed repeatedly on this site by those who have never been there before. One can easily travel through the East Side of Baltimore with no problem at all: black, white, man, woman. What's more, bands frequently play in the neighborhoods that you fear the most, and they manage to lug their instruments back and forth without any mugging/robbing attempts whatsoever.

We do have the STDs and weed, though.
I walked up and down North Avenue with twenties hanging out of my pockets, and nothing happened to me.
by Fuck a Bitch March 28, 2005
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I saw a few articles on here blaming white people for what happened to baltimore. Notably #42, "Tom's".

Well, here's an angry black man's opinion of the matter:

Yes, Baltimore sucks. Baltimore sucks BADLY. Why?

Here's why...

What was a thriving blue-collar city lined with beautiful independent ethnic family shops, marble steps, a strong sense of community and common good, was sacrificed by the democrats to create a welfare city and thus a base of power in the "south". In order to drive out industry and blockbust neighborhoods they raised taxes disproportionately, none of which were used to stimulate art or cultural activities. They overtaxed industry and forced them out, thus destroying the work force and forcing white blue collar workers to find work elsewhere (later they would slap them in the face further by saying that they "ran" from blacks because of "White Flight"). From there, the police force was corrupted from the bottom up, intentionally, by organized crime syndicates and cartels which have now made baltimore the heroin capital of the united states. Because of this, and the very NON-socialist (you have to work to make a socialist welfare state function properly) democratic scheme to create a drug-hole, street crime rose to massive proportions. This forced the rest of the ethnic european (white), jewish, mediterranean, etc communities to pack up and leave. During the race riots, the italians protected little italy by standing out in the streets with weapons. the rioters didn't dare cross the line. The germans, poles, and greeks did the same to protect highlandtown and greek town. Even with these efforts to stand their ground and protect the sanctity of all that they had worked to build, these groups were forced out by the unchecked and unpunished street and hate-crimes inflicted by the selfish, hateful, racist black "community" that we have here in baltimore. They blame white people for everything, when its only the whites and hispanics that seem to work here. you know you're in a bad situation when illegal immigrants do more to empower your city and bring to it civilization than your majority fucking people.

baltimore was systematically destroyed. a welfare trap was created to CREATE poverty and maintain it. blacks were used as pawns and still are. Not by white people. Not by a white system. Only because they choose to be. In order to save baltimore, the black community needs to be "less black and more community" and get over their OWN racial barriers to revive a city the problematic sector of their population more than jovially helped to destroy.
Baltimore: Money for nothing and your kicks for fr... AIDS.
by Idiotmoron2 November 24, 2008
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B'More or baltimore

Where the three best shows on television are based

Homicide life on the streets
The corner
The wire
Baltimore. Watch The wire and see what i mean about
by sexysecretary November 1, 2005
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