a nunnery.
people who go their will be forced to endure hour long speeches about being young ladies and fruitful.
Person: you go to St Albans Girls School (STAGS) ?
STAGS student: *nods*
Person: i'm sorry
by anonymous 0987654321 August 20, 2017
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When pornstars do several anals with pieces extremely powerful or really big
Oh Alba just did an Albanal with that beam
by Hellomyshit June 28, 2017
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Albane is an amazing girl. She is beautiful, she has the most beautiful smile, the sweetest eyes and the most charming soul. She is loyal, funny (a little sarcastic sometimes), very smart, flirtatious, mysterious, indecisive and comforting. She is sociable but has very few people she really likes. Her family and friends take up a lot of space in her heart, she gives them her love and time, so they are a blessing as well as a pain. Even if you hurt her, she is forgiving. But notice that she never forgives. She likes to be alone, but not feel alone, and thinks too much. She looks happy hiding behind a mask because she doesn't want anyone to see her pain: she has to look strong. But sometimes she breaks down. She has to remind herself that it's okay to cry and that it doesn't make her look weaker. Anyway, she will get through it, because she is a fighter. When she's really happy, she beams and you can't see anything but her. She makes you smile when you're sad, cuddles you when you need to be comforted and knows exactly what to say to make you feel better. You can also confide in her without fear, she only wants what is best for you. Last but not least, she needs time to open up to you, so be patient, she is worth it.
Albane, don't let your ego dominate you.
by An0nyym0us November 21, 2021
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A person who fills you with joy and happiness.
"wow man your such an albanator"

"When ever Derek walks in the room everyone is albanated "
by dietcoke20-32032f September 15, 2022
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Alban is a great lookin guy with a huge horse cock
Omg did you see Alban at the store yesterday? I could see his huge cock from his pants
by Fatbroski December 26, 2022
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Albanian mtherfucker, hair looks like it was run over by a lawnmower and he is skinny like a walking stick.

Fuck you alban.
by jakcfr87 u November 6, 2019
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Loane aimerait qu’Alban la pecho.
Alban se fait attendre
by Tqt000 November 22, 2021
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