abstinence will keep you from getting the nasty STDs
by xololaxo May 25, 2008
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Don't have sex before you're married.
The girl chose abstinence, and waited to have sex until she got married.
by gabbydeeee May 8, 2007
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Not Practicing any of the 4 types of sex:
hand-to genital
regardless of your past
I'm beautiful,i'm not fat,i'm atheist but abstinence is a good choice because I do not want to get STD's and I don't want to explain to my future husband all of the people I've slept with
by MeL!sha April 23, 2006
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Not really something that a person chooses -- its just the best option available while you're waiting to become a sexually-viable human being.
Abstinence is dictated by circumstance, not choice. We all want to get laid, daily, when it comes down to it.
by Chris from Vancouver August 25, 2008
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one who dries out due to lack of sex, usually resulting from an insanely lame strategy of courtship.
"hey man, let me tell you, after i broke up with that !@#$(*^)!! fucking tab whore, i became abstinized."
by Luke April 14, 2005
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Abstaining yourself from sex until you are married. It is a vow to God that you will abstain yourself for Him.
To do God's will I practice abstinence until I marry the person that He has picked for me.
by WHY IS EVERY NAME USED!! October 11, 2006
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Choosing not to have sex until you are married. If you're into this then FINE but don't act like you're all smart because of it. It's a CHOICE, and just because you choose to follow it doesn't make you any more intelligent than your peers. Don't push your religious bullshit on others either, just because your buddies are horndogs and enjoy a little pussy every now and then doesn't make them any less intelligent than your fat ass.
Did you hear Adon's excuse for why he's a virgin? He says he believes in abstinence! Stupid nerd has no game is more like it.
by RandomPseudonym July 27, 2008
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