"They used to call me Wingnut when I was in the Airforce. Ya'll can use it"
by Jan Jastic October 26, 2007
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A wingnut is spawned when pussy ass cops taze a person with anger issues while in handcuffs and causes him to piss there pants..thus creating an undercover criminal that knows everything so don't disagree or go against him... unless you want him to get all "WINGNUT" on yo ass bitch! Wingnuts also lived every where so you aint got shit on him from California to Colorado, Washington to Organ the ways and codes westcoast is all he knows. Also he ain't got time for you clowns that talk all that shit he hold grudges till revenge is served cold. Also WINGNUT's have been mistaken for a ninja cuz he is ill and will take yo weed and bitch quick and bouce befor you know it . CONCLUSION= if you decide to fuck with a WINGNUT i would suggest killing him cuz he has more creative non traceable ways to bring hell to the sorry fuck ass that does.

P.S. My bitch and whip are hotta than yours so suck it!
"wingnut is back"

"he waited in the bushes till i came home from fucking with his car and he stabed me with a key"/ "now my vage hurts ouch"!

"Wingnut is not invited to my party, when he shows up it makes all the bitches get moist"

i hate wingnut = im a jealous fagot with out a nickname boo! hoo!
by WINGnezzy a.k.a wingnut July 5, 2009
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Someone that loves Chicken Wings, ergo wingnut
She/he's a real wingnut, yes she/he is nuts about wings.

I'm not a wing nut, no I'm just not into them, or rather they are not into me.
by Demonstrative June 21, 2009
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Assistance, in the form of a public forum, granted to a washed-up, discredited, or deranged conservative figure. Typically provided by right-wing media outlets, but often provided by mainstream media outlets for the sake of appearing to be "balanced".
- Fox News is a primary supplier of wingnut welfare, giving copious amounts of airtime to the likes of Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Rudy Giuliani, and Sarah Palin.

- Charles Krauthammer, Cal Thomas, and Bill O'Reilly wouldn't have their weekly columns in respectable newspapers if not for wingnut welfare.
by fredmast August 1, 2010
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The theoretical point at which rightwing craziness reaches its upper limit.
"Did you hear what Rush Limbaugh said today? I think we're approaching peak wingnut."
by microdotz September 7, 2009
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Someone in the blogosphere who is identified as being politically on the right. Usually a fucktard.
The right wingnuts at Little Green Footballs are going nuts over Bush's TANG memos.
by fugitive September 29, 2004
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