The feeling of allot of emotions (mad, confused, stressed, overwhelmed . . . etc. . .) all boiled into one and not knowing how to express in one word.
by Mr_BSP December 22, 2009
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comes from the behaviour of squirrels during the mating season and is mentioned by Beatrix Potter in one of her books
"Squirrell Nutkin twitterpated through the leaves"
by russ bear November 24, 2003
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to have writer's block in regards to your tweets
"I wanted to tweet about this, but I got all twitterpated."
by Jane Hathaway March 19, 2012
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When you can't think of something good to tweet. Combination of twitter and constipated.
Feeling quite twitterpated, Jeff just couldn't squeeze out a tweet.
by cranflavin May 24, 2011
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In love with (or addicted to) twitter.
Guy 1: "John is so twitterpated. He just can't get off twitter!"
Guy 2: "Yeah, he can't even take a bathroom break without tweeting about it first."
by Jack Winchester January 11, 2013
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The act of wanting to tweet but your brain cannot think of anything. Constipation of the twitter world.
I was going to tweet, but I'm completely twitterpated.
by TWITCOINER February 22, 2012
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Also known as a TC or "Twitter Crush"

When one develops a crush on a fellow user of the social media platform Twitter.
I started talking to them on Twitter and now I am Twitterpated.
by CaptTattedSam June 4, 2018
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