1) Your best friend when your a lazy couch potato and do not want to make a real meal.

2) Something you eat 3 meals a day for weeks on end because you ran out of food

3) The best thing to happen to America
girl 1) yeah, Im on the Ramen Noodle diet

girl 2) huh?

girl 1) its great! I've already gained 5 pounds

girl 2) ....
by britts-NAY January 31, 2010
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A ramen noodle is a term for someone who is homosexual, likes the same sex or even someone who does not identify with “straight"or “heterosexual" anyone who is in the LGBT community can identify with ramen noodle.
i.e.That guy over there is a ramen noodle. Did you guys know that there is a ramen noodle in school. Ramen noodles are"gay".
by Ramen noodle for life March 21, 2017
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Something incredibly cheap and easy. Quick and inexpensive. Fast and almost free.
Dude 1: Man, you see that girl? She so fine!
Dude 2: Brosef! That hooker is "ramen noodles." Ya boys ALL slept with the ho.
by Dictocracker April 5, 2018
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Good ass noodles that mostly black people eat when theres nothing else in the house to eat.

Also last resort
"There was nothin in the house last night, so i ate some oodles n noodles
by Phil April 3, 2005
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When a man has a penis that is abnormally like a wet ramen noodle.
Steeve yesterday I woke up and my room mate pranked my by showing me his brothers ramen noodle.
by Christian Aura May 26, 2010
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The instant noodles that have become a culinary buzzword in America. Overzealous college students throw around terms like "ramen noodles" and "quad" to show how they have adapted to campus life and made it their own. The noodles themselves are actually not very tasty, but college students across America eat them on a daily basis in order to feel more accepted, ala drugs, alcohol, and communism.
College Student 1: Hey, you up for some hacky sack?

College Student 2: Sure, let me finish up my ramen noodles first though.

by letsberealistic April 22, 2006
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