Hitting a bees nest with an open fist.
Dave went to hive five the neighbors hornets nest.....didn't work out so well. He dead.
by Sister Christian February 24, 2011
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that huge hill in kelvingrove park in glasgow. if you go there in summer, there are so many people all over the hill that you can't even see the grass. most of them are hipsters, but there are also some posh people trying to become hipsters. they be blasting music no one really wants to hear all day as well.
girl: its a beautiful day, where should we go?
boy: anywhere but the hipster hive. i dont feel like having a headache today.
by c0mosellama September 29, 2020
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A party or event where there are more male than female guests.
John's party was such a dude hive and I didn't meet a single chick.
by aegiswings March 11, 2008
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something that appears to be a collective but is actually for the benefit of one person (the queen bee) who is manipulating others in a show intended to impress, but does not because it is false
John and Marsha agreed to join the hive world because they were artists who loved to be with other creatives, but they soon found out that they were being used.
by larry75 July 27, 2009
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When that bitch acting like she don't want nothing too do with you but she really do.
That girl Sarah is giving me the hush hive
by Drew Trevor May 4, 2016
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a pretentious collection of pseudo-spiritual content that is merely a vehicle for the self-promotion of a no-talent poser
They arrived at the performance expecting some truth but the whole thing turned out to be nothing but a hive world.
by bufferton July 26, 2009
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The sort of club that only the fool hardy would frequent due to the high level of cunts as patrons
Julian: Shall we go to Bacchus?

Tony: No! That place is a right Cunt-hive!
by Delzdreth May 7, 2009
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