A soccer term. When a player misses the goal completely when shooting and kicks it miles over the crossbar
Beckham just ballooned it.
by Rich Lawson May 27, 2005
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The act of - during oral sex - blowing large quantities of air into your partner’s genital opening.
When Stacy offered to blow Jack, he wasn’t expecting a ballooning session!
by NeedleKink312 November 21, 2021
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it is a word that describes the big ones on the front that are probably fake so yeah #bigballoons

boy: danm look at those balloons

2 boy: they are probally fake
by i have your booty March 19, 2019
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An air troop epic card in Clash Royale. This card is considered a win condition because it only targets buildings and it does a huge amount of damage. It it used in cycle decks or by people who use annoying cards. It's 5 elixir and it's good for its damage, also it does death damage that does area damage, and yes the area damage damages troops.
Balloon is a gay card in clash royale even though it's good.
by RandomGuyIsCool November 21, 2022
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"I have a raging ballooner right now after that commercial with Ryan Reynolds and Brad Pit on the beach!" Said Sally to her BFF.
by belch-no November 10, 2015
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Why the heck do you not know what a balloon is? Are you ok? Is life ok?! GET HELP?! ITS A BALLOON FOR CHRISTS SAKE
Do you know what a balloon is?
Yes, Jerry. I'm not deranged.
by Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry January 26, 2017
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When a person usually a homosexual blows air into an uncircumcised man's penis, enlarging the foreskin to resemble a balloon. Usually an act of foreplay.
Hey, did you hear that corey "Ballooned" brad last night! Yeah, I heard that they were "Ballooning" each other all night
by Biggietalls April 30, 2010
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